Personal Injury

Don’t judge the ability of an attorney by the size of his or her TV or magazine ad. If you’ve been the victim of an injury or accident or are suffering from injuries due to someone else’s negligence or irresponsible actions, you need competent legal representation to ensure that you are fairly compensated.

The realm of personal injury is filled with attorneys who claim to have your interests at heart. But there are few firms that take the time to give individual attention to clients the way we do at Strip, Hoppers, Leithart, McGrath & Terlecky. We don’t churn clients through the process; we see their cases through in a diligent and competent manner.

Common causes of personal injury claims are auto crashes, work-related accidents, accidents at home that arise out of the use of a faulty product or faulty repair, a mistake during medical treatment and injuries that occur when an individual falls on a wet floor or pavement in a business establishment.

It is crucial that you are educated in your rights when faced with one of those situations. You may be up against a deadline for filing a suit or an insurance claim, or you may be receiving bad information from an insurance company. Our attorneys can help clear through the rubbish and get down to the real issues. Talk with us before you talk to the insurer!